Items that have to do with the altar (hosts, incense, charcoal, altar cloths as needed,altar candles)
Weekly altar flowers
Votive and six inch candles for candle racks
Religious Pamphlets (located at the rear of the church)
Sends get well cards and sympathy cards to parish members as needed
Provides a ham for funeral meals for the families of deceased members of Ascension
Has a Mass said for all deceased members of Ascension and enrolls them in the Clerical Endowment Fund (CEF) (The CEF is a program of the Diocesan Council of Catholic Women and the purpose of said fund is twofold: to aid in the education of seminarians for the Austin Diocese and to provide loans to parishes in the diocese for building programs.)
Provides a scholarship annually for a graduating senior
Supports and works at the annual Fall Festival
Hosts and provides food for the annual Christmas Stroll, a long-time Bastrop tradition continued to this day in communion with our Protestant brothers and sisters (we may or may not continue this)
Has a bake and craft sale in December to finance all that we do
Finally, supports and works with other organizations and ministries within our parish family (KofCA, Knights of Columbus, etc.)
We welcome all parishioners to join or just come and visit.