The mission of the Religious Education Program (RE program) is to share the Word of God with children, youth, young adults and adults in the Catholic faith by creating an atmosphere where the voice of the Lord can be heard, experienced, and felt.
In the short time we have with young students each week, we cannot give them all that they need to be fully educated in the Catholic faith and to grow in their friendship with Jesus.
WE ARE HERE TO HELP YOU!! Parents are the first and foremost teachers of their children and have the primary responsibility for the faith education of their children. Parents teach informally, but powerfully by example and instruction. They communicate values and attitudes by showing love for Christ and His church. Parents are encouraged to discuss class topics and inspire students to learn about their Catholic faith.
Learning about the Catholic faith is a lifelong journey, and for young children/youth it requires Mass attendance and a commitment to participating in the religious education classes. Religious education (RE) begins in kindergarten and continues through the 12th grade. Students should attend all years of RE, not just those required to receive a sacrament. Children/youth may not have a total understanding of the true beauty of receiving sacraments, if they are simple attending to receive a sacrament.
El misión de la Educación Religiosa es compartir la palabra de Dios con los niños, jóvenes, jóvenes adultos yadultos en la fe de la Iglesia Católica; creciendo de esta manera en una atmósfera donde la voz del Señor se puedaescuchar, practicar y sentir.